systems and security|
This is the step by step walkthrough of the Academy Machine on Hack the box . According to Machine Difficulty Rating, it is chategorized at medium difficulty by most fellow haxors
This challenge provides the encrypted ciphertext and public key with a weak factor . The goal is to get the flag in the message .
The zip file is unlocked by the password hackthebox
, as ridiculous as it is .
anyways we move on and inside of the folder we get a Scroll.png of type Scroll.png: PNG image data, 580 x 78, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
You heard it . Frank Vitalik is a huxlr. Have to figure out where the money flows .
Since we have the dudes name we will try googling it .
this challenge flew too close to the sun . the fake id’s twitter account was suspended . so we found a reddit page for this guy .
nmap result -
1 | [*] Nmap: 21/tcp open ftp vsftpd 2.3.4 |
nmap result:-
1 | [*] Nmap: Not shown: 65534 filtered ports |
Have to find last location of the person in question . Have there email address .